Apt 439

I want to run but running wont take me anywhere but a couple of miles.

Bashing the walls in this house wont make a difference if I was to open the door and walk out.

Seems like no one hears the shouts, until I hear authority and their calling me out

Too much noise in this house…

               Too much noise in this house!…

                              Please let me get out!…

Too much pain in this house…

               Too much blood in this house…

                              Tears can flood out this house!…

What are my tears about?

What are your tears about?

Please “help” me get out…

I want to run out this house! Run and run  and never look back until the end of time…

I’ve been spoiled too long how’d I end up in a place like 439?

I cant escape this house…

           I cant escape this house…

                    Too much noise in this house…

The walls say I was made for this house…

They only hear my shouts…

So I only whisper my doubts…


                     …“I don’t think it’s the house”…

…“I don’t think its this house”…

                      …Walls please help me get out!!

What are my tears about???

                                          …“Its not the house”…

-Alicia Gabriel

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