That Day...

That Day


Sitting at my desk not a care in the world, happy as can be,

My phone rings and my heart stops, everything crashes down around me.

I couldn't understand, couldn't face it, didn't know how and didn't want to,

Tears pricked my eyes, something inside me felt pain—this was all new.



Sitting in the car I was staring out the window,

Time just seemed to stop, everything seemed so slow.

I could hear my friend talking but have no idea what was said,

All I could hear were my prayers resounding in my head.



Please let him be ok, that’s all I want, please, please let him be ok”,

I rarely prayed but I’d hoped God was listening that day.

I was the first one to arrive, so worried and alone,

No-one could tell me what was happening but they all had that “it’s not good news” sort of tone.



I waited for what seemed like forever for someone else to come,

Then her face appeared, so scared, upset—my mum.

I didn't know what to say, I just hugged her and cried wanting to see my dad,

I’d never wanted something or just to see someone so bad.



All we were told was that there had been an accident and they were doing

everything they could,

I knew that, I knew that he was in the best place, that much I understood.

The room started to fill with family and friends, all had that worried look I couldn't bare,

Everyone talked positively, scared to crack; they didn't dare.



The door opened and a lady appeared and said “we are bringing him out of theatre now if you will just wait here please”,

Relief spread through my body and I finally felt at ease.

You could see the relief on others faces too and the fear drift away,

So many emotions to handle and cope with on “that day”.


The door opens once more, this time a nurse and doctor too,

We did everything we could, but I’m afraid there was nothing else we could do”.

A piercing pain spread through my heart, my world had just stopped turning,

I could not stop the tears, my eyes red and burning.


I Couldn’t take this in, this wasn't happening; not my dad,

To lose someone so sweet, kind and strong is so sad.

I couldn't breathe, I needed to get out of that room; get away,

Be brave, be strong” I know that’s what he’d say.



How could I be brave, how could I be strong when all I felt was pain,

My life had fell apart, been hit by an emotional train.

The realisation that I would never see him again was more than I could


Why did that nurse make us think that he was ok?, hope she did dangle.



I needed to see him one last time, needed to say goodbye,

I never thought I’d lose him, I never thought he’d die.

We walked up to the curtain and slowly stepped inside,

I screamed at what I saw, legs buckled to the floor beside .



Pulling myself together, I saw a place, his arm unmarked, familiar—my dad,

I grabbed it tight and remembered all the good times we’d had.

Memories warm you from the inside, but they also tear you apart” is what they say,

So true as I will treasure memories of my dad forever, and I will never forget That Day.



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