Intuition Animalia


"Intuition Animalia"   11 - 28 - 02

eyes are blazed by light

a new found hope

came with the end of night

a new way to cope

i lift myself off the floor

once again i see

the way i once did before

who i wanted to be

i went throught it all

i felt the crashing fall

i was left alone to crawl

it is you, the one i'll maul

answering my animal call

you're pinned against the wall

now you'll feel the pain & fall

as you curl into your ball

you lose sight of it all

loss of hope with the fall

as i consume you and all

you beckon for hope, you call

but you get no reply at all...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i don't know where this came from, this vengeful possession in me but it screamed out and i answered its call

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