Off On Tangents


the study of objects that lack beauty

You've got an issue with using live embryos

But you don't have a problem with breaking chests

It's ok.

We all suffer from hypocritical ignorance.

And when it comes down to it, I believe in science

I take the visible facts, because you see, faith is so

dangerous these days that someone might

strap on a bomb and walk into your local

supermarket and

splatter your pretty brain right out of your pretty face

And when it comes down to it, I can't get

out of here because everything is income-based

politcal death sentence!!!

But I've been refusing to vote


technically I have no voice

I just live here

I just wait here

I give you kudos for that performance

Not many people can run me for a loop

I'm sure it will be months before we

speak again

....(please don't even bother)

Let's just bow our heads and

go no further

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