The One

Once upon a time I met the man of my dreams.
Turns out falling in love is easier than it seems.
He was kind, loving, smart and funny.
Strong, good looking, self-sufficient with money.
He was stubborn, grumpy and a pain in the ass.
Taught me to be tough, helped me find my inner sass.
He was everything I’d looked for all of my life,
and for what he was looking for I’d be the perfect wife.

But something stood between us, something unclear
I waited, I watched, I prayed more than a year.
He made me laugh, smile, helped me be better
I stood by him, comforted him through all kinds of weather.
I believed if trust and dedication I did show
that his feelings for me couldn’t help but to grow.
But they didn’t…couldn’t…wouldn’t…simply are not there
I have cried as wondered if he ever would care.

And now I’ve accepted it never will be
No matter what I say or do, he just doesn’t want me.
I’m going to move forward, try to move on.
So why does my heart feel so very wrong?
There are other men around, others who can see
and truly appreciate wonderful me.
The problem is I feel like I’m settling for them.
because as nice as they are, they just are not him.

They have wonderful features, nice enough hearts
but aren’t the complete package – not right from the start.
I’ve lost the one with whom I was meant to be,
So now I’ll just choose someone to tolerate me.
My heart’s just not in it, though I know I’ll be kind
I can’t dedicate my whole heart, my soul and my mind
because there are pieces of me that aren’t mine to give
Those pieces are his for as long as I live.

It’s tragic, it’s sad, other relationships are doomed
But I’ll smile, be perky, I’ll give them the moon.
I’ll dedicate myself as much as I can
Keeping a secret inside – that they aren’t the right man.
They’re not the person I was meant to love
they aren’t the one who was sent from above
to show me how deep true love can run.
I’m going to just settle because I can’t have The One.

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