Abandon (Poem regarding my father)

New Me

You abandoned us.

You left us for women, gambling and alcohol.

I married someone just like you dad.

Except added to that he was abusive.

You abandoned us to men who used us.

You abandoned me to Gordon who took advantage of me in every way possible because

Of my issues of abandonment by you.


Mom never abandoned us. 

She loved us 

I miss her.

She had a relationship with God.

She prayed for me.

She cared about us.

She stood by my side when I divorced my abusive husband to raise

My daughter on my own.


My older sister was there for me

She is still till this day

She knows everything

Even the thi your second wife did to me

Dad you abandoned us to the point where it's hard for me

To trust a heavenly father because you as my

Earthly father abandoned us. 

God loves me. 

My new husband loves me

I will no longer be abandoned.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Left abandoned and discarded by my father and his friend who

Says he promised my dad he would take care of me but instead tries constantly to get in my underwear. Even going as far as to say if he helps me that he has needs. His name is Gordon Schultz and he's a narcissist.

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