SultryRose's Signatures

~Gollum VS. Smeagle~

Long ago "The Precious" stole your soul,

And forever consumed, sealed your fate...

Gollum always lurking at your back,

While inner demons,Sméagle tried to escape!

Smeagle past hidden sins and secrets,

Had a way to find and sear your twisted soul...

An endless struggle within yourself just unwinded,

Gollum or Smeagle, who will come out sneaking at the end?

Repulsive,hissing evil Gollum,

Or piteous, wretched soul and tortured Smeagle...

With all your might you loved and hated it, yes,the Preciousss,

The one that sneaky hobitt stole  from you...

The master wantes it with all his being you knew...

But master can't have back it back, you made up your mind,

You and the "Precioussss" forever fell bonded in the flames,

Oh wicked Gollum,poor Smeagle! how much I really pitied you!

Dorian Petersen Potter

aka ladydp2000


Author notes:

(Frodo thoughts about Smeagle at the end of his journey into Mordor)

-From my LOTR poetry collection,inpired by Tolkien's books and the movies-

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