HeartBreak Poem

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This is a heart break poem to you, I don't mean you because I want to keep your name unknown but I mean you as in it being bold as in it could be anybody, because that what you were to me, you were so broad never specific because you make the decision to distant
So here I go
Dear, the person that decides to send me on a emotional rollercoaster every other day this is my heart break to make you realize what you have done,
I would take my heart out to you just to show you were the owner, but you would use it a toy and just take it and show her, like look what I've done and how I could I prone it to the point of it bursting all into your hand, and even when did it bust and did you give a damn?! Becsuse I don't even think you notice when my eearth tilt and it shift and my brain went left and my heart when right and I began to reminisce. On everything that we taught each other as kids
We were something incredible the world couldn't even forget even if I took my mouth and grab the world and I jut spit
Right in eyes and he was blind to the love that we werre eventually deprived
And I asked you as I looked you in the eyes, is this what you wanted is this what you came back for? A broken girl with no help from anyone in this cruel fucked up world, but you stayed and it made me believe that maybe this time was different but you took my hope through it in my face and laughed like are you kidding, I became attached because attachment for so long in my life was forbidden, and you just left and this time and my death? Was it worth it? Or do you still not care you just lay down and rest? A non ending test or a place to go with no real traveling quest
I know we were something different just needed the best, not forever for just a second
So now we not here and now we just restless,  but If I could take it back and not do this again, I would do it in hope that the ending result would change, that we? You and I ? Me? Would prevail and be ours to claim
-Kris harbor

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