"No Visible Scars"

Poetry about Rape

After the deed was done,

You left no visible scars

So I should be okay, right?

I should be thankful, right?

I should be happy I'm alive, right?

Well tonight I'm wishing you had pulled that trigger.

That every shadow wouldn't be your silhouette.

Every branch or rusting leaf wouldn't be you

Coming back to finish me off.

My every moment would not

be twisted and mangled.

My mind would not be consumed

with this bloody hell,

and this cackling insanity.

no you left no visible scars

so i should be okay right?

I should be happy I'm alive, right?

Why didn't you just pull the trigger?

Why does this torment go on

with your presence still lingering on my senses?

I want to lock myself away and sleep and sleep

until your sickening residue is gone.

I just want this to go away

I want this shell,

this stranger in the mirror to just go away.

I hate everything I am now.

No you left no visible scars

So I should be thankful, right?

I should be happy right?

Why didn't you just kill me?

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