

I am in harmony with the sea.

I am its alter ego

Wind and surf are my element;

Salt water courses my veins.

As waves rise, curl and crash

So my heart and spirit lift and fall.

Feet, bare, I run shouting my joy,

sensitive to the sand's caress .

Incoming tide tickles my toes,

playfully sneaking up a wet beach

with each roar of the ocean.

As it unravels and slides back

displaced sand rolls,

sucking and shifting beneath me.

I am at one with the sea.

I am its alter ego

Tangy air, seaweed salty,

tantalises my nostrils,

inflating my lungs with its pure essence.

Gulls scream their forlorn shanties,

wheeling above on invisible currents,

unfettered, unhampered, free.

My whole soul is soaring with them.

I dance, swirling on the shoreline,

spinning, twirling, skipping,

laughing in sheer delight.

I am in unity with the sea

I am its alter ego

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