Along this narrow isthmus of existence is the persistent guilt
Of failure to increase the freedom of love. To be able to
Proceed through life is to be open to the dawning of love.
That dawning begins as a sprout in childhood and all the
Freedom we can raise in our self starts its entanglement in
Not letting each other go. It is the clinging that does this.
This is a life time labor that often remains undone for when
We rise to the level of bliss we do not allow of the subsidence
Of the crescendo and the thief of joy steals love from the loom.
You knew this as you stared into the mirror you had to give
Everything back to yourself that you absconded with long ago;
Having done this you began to enlarge the freedom of love.
The child in you knew of losses when you threw out a ball and
Was unable to retrieve it as rolled beyond its sight; remembering
That unclasping helped you to free future emotional eddies of love.
These resonances of the purest nature of childness aids us in our
Journey towards angelness where the shards of suffering are
Discarded and in our eternal youth there is freedom from dissolution.