My Closet

In my closet, many things

Dark, devoid, deadly, and bloody

All of them nasty creepy things

And to get them I lost no money

Dead bodies stacked in a corner

Weapons all over the floor

Bloody hearts in buckets

Knives stuck into the door

Hands and fingers in boxes

Feet and toes in a sack

Arms and legs in a cooler

Heads stuffed inside duffel bags

Bones stripped of flesh are in boxes

Other organs in jars

(I've also got whole complete bodies

Stuffed in the trunk of my car)

Axes and hatchets and chainsaws

Hand-grenades, land mines, and bombs

Weapons of death and destruction

All of them cause major harm

I have a secret compartment

A hidden room behind my wall

In there I torture live people

The sweetest thing of all

How do I keep al this secret

How do I hide it so well?

My room is in the basement

No one comes down here at all

I still have more things in my closet

To name all would take over a day

My captives just started screaming again

I must go, have a horrible day!

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