
I've walked this hall so many times

With pictures and stories-

They're now going through my mind.

Of memories and inside jokes

How can I leave this all behind?

Where'd the time go?

The shadows of my teachers helping me

Teaching me, joking with me still linger in each room.

I can still feel the warmth of a friend's hello

Passing me in the hall each day,

I'll never forget

The jokes

The broken hearts

The spirit

The smiles

The laughs

The trends

The perfect days

The not so perfect days

The frustration

The ticking of the clock

The wanting to leave

And now actually wanting to stay.

Tell me how to say goodbye

As I walk down this hallway this one last time.

Now I have the cap in my hand

A gown I never thought I'd be in

Tears in my eyes and a smile on my face.

I never thought this bittersweet day would come.

And it's now that I realize it's over.

It's now that I understand that I am gonna miss it all.

Tell me what it takes to say goodbye

As I walk out that door one last time

Forgetting for one second that I'm not a student anymore-

I'm a graduate.

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