Cats and Dogs

Julio Alexis Rubio González                                                              

Pablo Redondo                                                                                  

Cats and dogs


The world was finally created, all living things existed and both land and ocean were completed. The world being created only by the benevolent gods had become perfect, every living thing was taught three important rules. The first rule, take only what you need and leave the rest. The second rule, working hard in order to achieve great things. The third and most important rule, working with each other to achieve peace between all species.  The humans proving to be the most advanced were given the task of changing the world, having all the other animals’ needs in mind. The humans were given a dog, the dog being the most selfless creature was the perfect example for making sure the humans did as they were told.

The evil gods, whom were mischievous and chaotic, noticing the perfectness of the world decided to rot it with their ways. In order to achieve this they needed a play, they watched for nine days the humans in order to find a weakness on them. On the tenth day they finally noticed an important flaw, which was the dog, the dog was trustworthy and had a major influence on them. Finally noticing their weakness, the evil gods decided to achieve their goal of rotting the world with it. For this they needed their own creature, one that the Gods would despise since it would stand for all they hate. The evil Gods created the cat, an animal that was lazy, selfish, arrogant and also deceptive. They gave it a task, “Corrupt the dog” they said, “If the dog was corrupted the humans would follow” this was their thinking.


Once the cat was introduced to the new world it  started its task as quickly as it could, little by little it spent more and more time with the dog using its good nature against itself, promoting its own qualities to the dog. Slowly but surely the dog started to change, rewriting some of its qualities like selflessness to selfishness. The humans were soon affected by the new treats of the dogs and started disregarding every other specie including dogs and even themselves. The humans started working for themselves, creating mass structures to separate themselves from all else, but most importantly they started wars. This way the humans became the strongest specie, and the dog was changed from “partner” to “mascot”. But not everything was lost, while some dogs changed their ways others remained loyal to their principles; and even if the cat were meant to be an evil being, the good natured of the dog changed some. Thus creating new species like foxes and lions.


Moral of the story: Be independent

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