The magic coffee

One can only assume that if you drink coffee you must do something in the morning. That is, when you wake up after a long (or ot too long) night of rest, you need a little push to start your day. Or maybe you just enjoy the flavor of it, or feel the desire to tell that special person “Hey, let’s go for a cup of coffee and talk”.


That is his job, actually. He was a barista in a famous coffee chain in San Pedro Garza Garcia. Businessmen, students and moms just getting their children to school alike go to it for a “Mocha Machiatto” or a “Latte with Soy milk” or a “double espresso, without milk”. He woke up really early in the morning, around 4:00 am, just to get a shower, have a little breakfast (if you can call it like that) of cereal without milk, get on the bus and arrive at his work at 6:30 am, just before opening.


Now, when he was starting this job, as a summer-job of course, he didn’t plan to stay. “Is too much work, and they don’t pay much” he told to himself over and over again. So a month passed. Then two. Then it was a year of getting up early, breakfast, bus and go.

But there was some magic into his work. Seeing the coffee get prepared, and prepare it. Seeing the customers pay, and charge them, sometimes prices too high than only a high person would pay. And, in some sense, they were high. High in coffee, or high for coffee, who knows.


One morning, around 11 am, there she was. Her crush from high school was there. “Oh my God!” he told himself, while she got in line, probably thinking on what to order. While she was getting closer, he kept thinking on what to tell her, what to say. Will she even recognize him?. Once in the cashing machine, she order plain-dark-American Coffee. Then she sat, then she left. She didn’t recognize him, indeed. That day, he left the Coffee Shop and never came back, not to that Coffee Shop, not to any Coffee Shop. He still enjoys a morning coffee,  though.

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