Our bodies are getting older by the day yet we don’t accept this truth

We feel somewhere out there is the answer so we search for the Fountain of Youth.


We spend billions trying to stave off time; in some cases it’s become bizarre

The steps that we will go through to look younger than we are.


Buoyed by advertisements on TV, we think the effects of age can be chopped

We forget the people appearing in the ads have been air brushed and photo shopped.


We see and feel our bodies age on this Earthly carousel

And we make a simple assumption that our youth ages as well.


But what if we are wrong assuming the body and mind age simultaneously?

What if youth, for instance ages more transcendentally?


What if our bodies age from outside, hence the wrinkling of our skin

But what if the youth we so diligently desire to keep...what if youth comes from within?


We cannot control the ravages of age, no matter how much we conceal.

But despite the changes in our bodies, we can control the way we feel.


Sure it may take me longer to stand up now, and I may have more aches and pains

My hair is gone, my eyes are sagging but still I don’t complain.


Because underneath the wrinkles, sags and spots that age displays

Flows my very own Fountain of Youth and I sip from it every day.


Now when I look in the mirror I see that age has it’s own appeal


And every day I am amazed at how much younger I can feel.

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