Time is a funny thing...We live in fleeting moments that quickly drift away

But even amidst this evanescence...yesterday was a good day.


Besides the normal pleasant news that our children and grandchildren are doing well 

There was other joyous news on which I’d like to dwell.


It began with a Happy Birthday wish sent up north to a friend of mine

Wondering if she would celebrate as his her tradition...with bottles of her favorite wine.


Next friends of ours had a baby! They entered the hospital in the early morn

And after hours of anticipation announced...their baby Sofia was born.


Finally, Deborah heard some news that added to the pleasure of the day

One of her friends is pregnant, yes, there’s a baby on the way.


Our lives are filled with happiness we all know this to be true...

Somedays you don’t have to look very far as that happiness finds you.


On the same day, separated by time, two babies born and another on the way

You have to admit amidst the evanescence...yesterday was a very good day.


But yesterday is over, those wonderful moments are gone...yes, time is a funny thing,


Which is why I approach today with excitement in search of the wonders it will bring.

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