I love puzzles…puzzles of any kind…jigsaws, crosswords, writing poems…any puzzle that stimulates my mind.


In a puzzle I can see the big picture as I search for the right piece…the right word…the right rhyme…while realizing the only way to complete the puzzle is one piece at a time.


Our Earth looks like a completed puzzle from deep in outer space…beautifully round, blue, green and white…every puzzle piece in place.


But looking at the Earth from on the Earth…from the place where I am sitting…although the pieces seem like they should go together…as of yet…they’re not all fitting.


With so much hate…so much enmity…so many puzzle pieces at war

the puzzle that is Earth is much more difficult than any puzzle ever solved before…


It is, perhaps, the most difficult puzzle we will ever have to solve…so we must gather together our patience…our courage…our wisdom…our resolve


Knowing it will not be easy…it will take compassion…determination and grit…

for not until everyone on Earth is free can all the pieces fit.


At times we’ll experience little victories…other times we’ll feel defeated

but imagine how the Earth will feel…once this puzzle is completed….


Trying to solve a puzzle at war with itself is certainly an uphill climb…

but we can solve it…

as long as we’re determined to solve it…

one PEACE at a time.


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