There will be moments of sorrow in our life…down whatever path we choose…moments when we fail…moments when we lose.


This fog of sorrow can descend unexpectedly…anytime…night or day…moments we are hurt…moments someone we love has passed away.


This fog of sorrow is usually accompanied by moments of uncertainty…moments filled with indecision and fears…our heart and soul feel empty while our eyes are filled with tears.


The fog of sorrow often changes us…we are lost…we wonder if and when…this new person we’ve become…will ever be happy again.


But rays of happiness wait quietly behind the sorrow…patiently behind the tears…and in the end shine through our tears and make our fog of sorrow disappear.


For when we allow happiness to shine through the tears that fill our eyes…we see before us a rainbow…stretching across our sky.


And in that rainbow we find our hope…knowing it won’t be an easy ride…

but ready to climb out of the fog…to see what’s on the other side.


Perhaps that’s why we love rainbows….for they remind us when we’re feeling our worst…they dwell within our tears…waiting to be dispersed.


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