Will Never Be The Same

She was in a grocery store parking lot...an unassailable place
He didn’t even know her name...he only saw her face.

He stopped his car in front of her...and from the safety of his steel and chrome
He rolled his window down and said, “Take your little Chinklets and go home!”

Before he sped away he yelled, “We are a Trump nation now!”
And she was left, in fear, to wonder...Who...and Why...and How?

I have been grieving lately and to my grief...I now add shame.
He did not know this family...he did not know their names!

Our country made a deal with the devil...in my humble view...
And now, as always happens,  the devil wants his due.

Half the country didn’t want this...half...did not arrange it
But we must come together as a country...and do our best to change it.

We cannot sit idly by and simply acknowledge this as our fate
We must show this woman and her children...we have more love than hate.

If we don’t...If we cannot overcome our grief...our anger and our shame
A simple trip to the grocery store...will never be the same.

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