Go Figure

2005-2006 Poems

Is there something wrong with the pencil

if it is not used for writing?

Is it the soap's fault

if it isn't used for cleansing?

Can a glass of water quench thirst

if it isn't swallowed?

Would traffic lights be useful

if it isn't followed?

What about life?

It is surely more important than any of these things,

But too complex to know what it is for.

The freedom of choice, to take control-

To just be a mediocre, or be something more.

Yes, I am an instrument with free-will

And it is my choice to be used for something

by the Hands of the Master who created everything

and who so wonderfully leaves me wondering...waiting.

Sometimes I feel like a pencil - unsharpened, unused.

A soap, so fragrant - in a box the the end of the cupboard.

Just laid somewhere waiting for the moment in time.

While some place else a child needs to learn how to write

Or a dirty laundry needs to be washed.

Sometimes I feel as cold as a glass of water

Turning into ice in a refrigerator.

Or the routinary traffic light on a desert highway

Operating at 12 midnight.

Alive and working, and so out-of-place.

But my purpose is greater than my understanding.

Divine resons are beyond these feelings.

The Master knows what He is doing, my trust is in Him.

As I focus on my learning and my being.

A pencil just has to be a pencil - blunt or sharpened.

A soap, be a soap - in or outside the box.

A water, be what it is- hot or cold.

A traffic light, operate as it should- ruled or violated.

They just have to be ready.

A tiger who would walk like a zebra

and 'roars' like a hyena is hilariously stupid.

An eagle is made to fly; fish to swim;

plants to grow; Sun, Moon and stars to shine;

the Earth to rotate...and I-

To live and make God smile.

I just got to keep on being me- like it or not.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Wrote this after reading an inspiring message from my aunt in an email - 08Sept06

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