Ceaser's Poem

Ceaser's Poem

For days now I travel in pain

The pain of this sickening sea

They already think me a king

Maybe it’s how I’m suppose to be

They laugh as I tell them of what is to come

How stupid can they be?

Because my eyes hold no laughter

Or do they not look at me?

Their time came and it went

Finally I was set free

I came back at night and crucified

My eyes, they should have seen

A lass I grow stronger with each day

My power it grows and grows

Money well spent my good friend paid

What will happen nobody knows

Three people of power my friends and I

At lest that’s what it should have been

But I needed more then just two friends

Maybe what I did was of sin

But soon I became leader, unopposed

The people they want me as king

The people they roar as I come out

What happens next, do you think?

Two by two they stab me

As I feel the blade enter my skin

I turn around to see them

Oh Gods, how could this have been?

There is my son the one I trust

I ask him if it’s true

I close my eyes, without a sound

No sound I make, would you?

I look down from the skies and tell you

The way things should have been

One question I do have for you

Is democracy the real sin?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is in the memory of Julius Ceaser.

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