Re-election for Rejection

When you've been shot down,
your heart is buried six feet under ground.

Love and death.
Murmurs under everyone's breath.

Death lives, love dies.
Like glass eyes,
you watch everything break apart,
but trying to grasp on to the concept of love in our heart.

Is it real or just a phrase?
Forever we'll be lost in this maze.

Searching for what we think is real.
Searching for what we want to feel.

But it will all be gone soon enough.
Just mask your emotions and act tough.

Don't let yourself be elected,
to be rejected.

Show no feelings or sympathy,
then you'd be hollow like me.

A heart the color of black.
Colder than ice.
There's no going back.
There's no more nice.

I've thought this out way too long.
Fuck love. Pass the weed and bong.

I'm over that three word sentence.
This isn't out of spite. I meant this..

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