MY DEEP S88T (With Fries) part 1 by bipolarschizo33

"My Deep S88t- (With Fries)part 1"
by bipolarschizo33
you hit the nail on the head just now,
if you say to yourself.
a man that would discriminate against me
and give me the creeps would be the man of my dreams-
enough to inspire me.
he would be giving me that look that makes my skin crawl
making me wonder if I should sleep with both eyes open at night
and when he would utter words of love,
it would be like nails on a chalkboard
seeking shelter
in a wasp nest
filled to the brim
with sanctimonius pulp of bursting life
hunting for cherries.
the guy that is not anybodys dream
but not enough finesse to be the nightmare either.
the unsettling groan of being an---------
And I would look away and wish to put a bag over his head
but surprisingly he would catch on to my body language
and study it to the point of earning a degree
of how to tone me up, mind, body, and soul.
The flowers----------
the cooking-------
the laundry,
just to get back at me for trying to ignore him
and the love beating in a heart that seems distant and cold
but remains strong and won't be denied in the end-----------------
Anything everlasting has a straw to suck and swallow life down whole,
but its what you gain from it as it sweats back out your pours-
that will seal your fate.
A fate that stays
if you can believe in it long enough.
If love is the belief,
it should remain
even if everyone else loses their balls to it.
I long for love to be my slave
and justify my existence every morning
with that hot cup of coffee and egg slapped up over easy
with a tiny mint to accent it all.
It needs me more then I need it.
Love should crave me because it will be my superstar for life.
Everything else can fade, but in the end-----------
to stay juicy, plump, and happy
just like me-
but toning it every day is the key.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

hopeless romantic looking for a man crazy enough to love me unconditionally who is colorblind.