Why do I look at bees at parks (a sorrow story about a woman I loved)


I had fallen in love with her because of her charity. In essence, that is the only thing that counts, she had fallen in places that belonged to me and from there it came our love; although the painting included that came with the marriage also had something to do. When my wife used to sleep nothing happened. One day something happened. It seemed to me senseless to see, but I saw it, a little woman barely noticeable to the eye that came out of my wife’s red and stubborn (leafy)front, there were the hair is born. ¡How beautiful was the Polonia!That’s how I decided to call her in honor to that Uruguayan archipelago, that was more of a watering place. In order for the Polonia to get naked and dance, I had realized the strict relation that existed between my wife’s anger during the day. I made my wife mad, and the Polonia payed every night. One day, when I was silently looking at the Polonia, my woman woke up. I saw my wife’s eyes and  upon returning the view, the Polonia was a bee flying through the window. I left my wife some time later. I still search for her.

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