Some of us are real luddites and take entirely too much pride in it.  Of course, it isn’t always as true as we like to pretend.  We often rely on the technology more than we care to admit.  I like to view myself as old school.  I won’t read my poems off a phone.  I have hard copy books or printed out pages from a word copy.


suffer delusions

world passing us so quickly

we cling to the faith


But then we end up getting stuck.  Eventually, I find myself in a position to do a reading that will require me to read the poem from my phone.  I pull the page up on the screen and need my reading glasses to decipher the words,  It’s so bad now that I find myself with a phone being held together with superglue and rubber bands.  I can’t replace it more because I’m too cheap than due to any old school values.  The truth can be a bitch but in the end we really need to own it.


reality is

super glue and rubber bands

hold phone together

poems still need to be read

a false luddite now outed



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