

It is great to get back to life again.  The pandemic is making a sloppy transition into endemic status and live music is an actual thing again.  It’s great to hear a wailing blues guitarist like Christone Kingfish Ingram at a riverside park in Camden.


Even the storm that disrupted the festivities wasn’t enough to sour my spirits.  There was the adrenaline thrill of chugging down that last beer and getting packed up to make a mad rush to safety.  The hasty retreat to the parking garage before the imminent storm blew through.


I even managed to get my empty beer cans into a proper recycling bucket—where no doubt the savage wind redistributed them back to the lawn and even the river.  I was smiling all the way at the initial raindrops teasing the impending monsoon.  The wind made a couple half hearted attempts to pilfer my Alien Buddha Press baseball cap but I was onto that game.


The mad dash to safety was successful and I was no worse for wear in the garage with friends.  Concert cut short but still great just to be out and about.  Unless the thunderstorm was a harbinger of things to come, this should be a really swell summer.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Camden is across the river from Philly.  We act like it's a part of our town when it's convenient for us.

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