Show wrapping up
band slowly playing encore
to ride out the evening
would be entrepreneurs
and petty hustlers alike
scramble for location
to proffer their wares
Italian sausage,
bootleg concert shirts
oft with misspellings
ice cold water
cheap macro beers
and ice cold whippets
the heart wants what it wants
and an ice cold whippet
for the subway ride seems apt
just seems like
appropriate prankster behavior
We grab the balloon
They advertise as a fattie
but never as fat as promised
It puts an exclamation point
on a well played concert
We slip thru the turnstiles
I have my balloon held tightly
with lips and gentle teeth
as I fish for my Septa key
quizzical looks from Septa folk
and non concert goers alike
cautiously tap card, protect balloon
I work thru the turnstile
still sucking on balloon
I find a seat on the subway
and catch envious glances
from more than a few concert goers
It’s all good until the balloon
finally runs empty
and I’m just sitting there
like a fool
trying to work my way home