And now I’m wondering

about a society

that lets golden shower fetishists

determine job worthiness

and I see up in New York

Giuliani all upset over

cow dung on a painting

but he’s okay with human feces

on a toilet plunger—

which is good he’s content

on at least one subject—

but all sarcasm aside

the legends will diminish

with the passage of time

and the mythic proportion

is greatly exaggerated

and the vida loco

in these here Estados Unido

can get out of hand

and a Nazi comes marching along

to challenge the American wrestler

as they keep the same old storyline

only fancy to change the byline;

alarms on the clock

are still ringing intensely

but it’s too early to get up

and banned books adorn my shelf

in open defiance to the ministry

and only my wit

keeps me from going up the river

to Sing Sing or whatever awaits

but I ain’t a New York poet

cause that’s just a cliché

and I fancy myself above that

but I see the whacko

getting all jacko

on something slightly potent

and the power of my awe

(consult thesaurus for better words)

just bowls me over

but Roget was a Frenchman,

n’est pas?

I’m not even fully fluent

in that tongue yet

but maybe I can influence the slang—

take it to the college kids

hope they come along for the ride—

the social commentary

has little impact

and here on election day

I know better who I didn’t vote for

Than for whom I actually did vote

Desolé sit u n’aime pas mon teté

Nietzsche and Whitman and Blake, Oh my

retain their sacred slots on my headboard

as the incense gently caresses evening

and the pompous demeanor is let down

to privately ponder this precise moment

ich will Deutch lernen

but not for documenting mein kampf

still alive in alleys and shacks

tattered about the American countryside

the Amnesty International t-shirt

now bears many holes and stains

does that make me a radical now?

I have my scars and contusions

harvested throughout my travels

but sound policies alarm me

in this age of unconsummated blowjobs

and semi political satire

remains a holy grail of accomplishment

but the subtle nuances

always end up being exposed

I was listening to unlucky seven

when my weakness overcame me

first person narrative

always tends to ultimately

fess up the author’s flow

but character assassination

is akin to real assassination

in various spiritual contexts

but what’s left to be said

after the demise of culture

and that psychic rot

that implodes inner corrosion

maybe the soul is just

only what is left if you are lucky

but the fanatics and heretics

will not capture my heart

let alone my soul



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