Broken road

Broken road

The road is

broken because I

donot want to

go that way again

The darkness is

what cause me

to do things I

donot want to

do ever again.

The road is

non-fixable because I

donot want to

ever go down

that road again.

The broken path

only will be

fix if I

cannot find away

to get around

the darkness.

The Road is

broken pathway

to my heart

because I got

someone that I

love and I

donot want to

scare her away

with my dark

side ever again.

I might end

up in the

dark side but

she pulls me

out in time.

The broken road

is going to

sink one of

these day as I

walked a different path

her and Jesus Christ.

So let the

road stay broken

and I will

not be able

to travel down it again.

-Gene Conner

December 17, 2005

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