

My life was condemned since I was just a fetus

and brought in this land of promise

but nothing is promised

My status and race speaks for itself

loneliness just got put on the shelf

pierced within hated intentions

received a dose of lethal injection

of misunderstanding

of mistaken propaganda

of misplaced love

of misguided self

I couldn't fathom reasons of being treated as less worthy

than my light-skinned siblings

but the pain doesn't stop there

I was constantly reminded

that I will never amount to shit

that implanted pain

all that created by dealing with


and lowered expectations

and same race segregation

10 times worse than what whites perceive

what I need is to develop black pride

cuz that's all I have in this world

observing the depictions of how we're portrayed

like way at the bottom of a "he's-so-fine" list

was stepped on like an un-welcome mat

too many rumors and seldom facts

I speak directly to you

force feeding my food through you

with non-asinine thoughts

of darkened couterparts touching on excellence

never feuling on bullshit, but collecting evidence

from science to this great art

and everything in between

see...just because I'm "dark-skinnded or brown-skinnded"

don't mean that my shade can't shine

a newfound pride now able to appreciate

and embrace compared to

when my humanity was rust

when I didn't redeem trust

for all others

my melanin is objectionable

but I can still call myself "BROTHA!!"

Please believe.

©Copyright 2003 by Geministar

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