The Beginning of a New Ending

God was there, in the silent, dark and enormous universe. He saw everyday comets, gazing stars, explosions starting anywhere at anytime, beautiful colors distributed separately around him; although he really liked all of this he eventually got bored of this, it was all the same, always darkness and stars. He had a friend, a bird with characteristics you could never imagine. This bird had unimaginable colors on its feathers, an unimaginable shape of its body but a beak long and wide enough to have conversations and communicate with God. They kept interesting conversations about such fascinating subjects for hours and they enjoyed looking together all of their amazing surroundings, but the boredom within their conversations, within their surroundings and within their minds increased so badly that they couldn’t handle it anymore. They decided to create a planet, a new world where day and night could exist, where seasons could change; a new world they could plan, modify and take care of. They started by making a big ball of dirt. It was an enormous plain ball with no imperfections in its entire surface and they called it Earth. Soon after, they realize it was a boring world so they started to change the Earth’s land relief, making some places higher than others. That’s how mountains, hills, cliffs and canyons were made. They thought Earth needed more color since it was all just brown. They added water, a lot of water, so much water that some canyons converted into oceans, lakes, rivers, ponds and lagoons. Now it was all brown and blue, they wanted more colors so they created plants, greenish plants, plants with colorful flowers in order to make the world a mixture of several different colours. They really enjoyed seeing the impressive and magnificent fusion of colors they’ve made, but they thought the Earth needed movement, and then, air was introduced. Airstreams traveling within the Earth moved the colorful vegetation and gave the planet the appealing someone could need in order to live comfortable and happy. They concluded that Earth was ready to have someone living there whether animals or humans so they placed some kind of animals in specific areas and humans all over the planet. The bird and God were happy with what they had done but something was missing, nobody seemed to have something to do, everybody lacked of an objective. Then the bird and God remembered they had forgot to give the animals and humans feelings, everybody did nothing and expressed nothing so happiness, sadness, anger, love, pain, loneliness, shyness, curiosity, fear, braveness among other feelings were deposited into Earth beings’ minds. Now everybody could start to learn, do and enjoy things thanks to these feelings and those experiences could help to discover new ones. The bird realized that happiness, for him, was the best sensation one could ever feel, so he without asking God’s opinion, deposited more and more happiness into Earth beings’ minds. He added so much happiness that everybody could feel happy with anything, even bad things. Happiness won among the other feelings, humans killed animals, animals killed humans but both felt happy. Everybody started doing bad things feeling happy without knowing what they were doing was bad. The world came into destruction, into an end, but still, everyone was happy.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Gabriel Esparza
Montserrat Olivares

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