Who You Are


your bad mood is contagious like a disease

is there a cure out there to help me

cause I don't want to be like you

I don't wanna do the things you do

if you really want sympathy

you are not going to get any from me


cause I am sick of playing this game

and I'm sick of feeling your pain

I'm sorry but this has gone too far

I don't want to be who you are

your tears are bitter and your anger is like fire

and your world revolves around everything you desire

you think you know what a bad days is

but the truth is a real bad day you've never lived

you think the world owes you everything you want

can't you for once stop and be grateful for what you've got


you're taking life too seriously

and you are blind to every blessing

it's okay to laugh at yourself

you can get out of your living hell

just by choosing to smile today

a smile the world can't take away


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