A Trip To The Farm

A Trip to the Farm

She was on the back of the truck, eating a bag of chips with her headphones on while listening to some good old songs. Sara looked outside the window, the sky was clear and blue as the ocean. The landscape was gorgeous, there were a lot of desert plants and huge mountains. Her father was in the front of the truck driving and smoking a cigarette. They were on their way to visit the horse farm that her grandmother left them when she passed away. ‘’What a waste of time.’’, she thought.  The idea of being surrounded of horse poop was awful but her father forced her to go.

The road was never ending, but finally, after two or three hours of driving with awkward silence between them, they arrived. The weather was cold, and the sky was full of grey clouds. The first thing Sara did was search for some WIFI to connect her cellphone but there wasn’t any signal, everything indicated that it was going to be a horrible weekend for Sara.

-Sara, do you want to go to the barn? The father asked.

-Do I have any other option? Sara said.

She knew that she was rude, and her father didn’t deserve to be treated like that, but she was too full of anger and frustration. Her father ignored her comment and started walking to the barn. The farm was huge, and it was green thanks to all the rain that it had in the last weeks. About 500 meters from the house was the barn, he opens the gate and waited for Sara to come inside. A wave of humid and smelly air received them, and Sara covered her nose and swore that she was going to vomit. Her father enters and turns on a light. The barn was large and had a lot of stalls were the horses lived. In that moment, she realized that her nose had accustomed and the awful smell wasn’t there any longer.

-Hey! Come and see the horses, they are awake. The father screamed in the distance.

 Sara started to walk and looked around. There were about 25 horses in the whole barn and all of them were awake and looking at her. Her father was in the back of the barn and was waiting for her. The stall in front of them was bigger and had two horses inside, first she saw the mother but then she realized that behind her was a little colt.

-Sara, I’m sorry of making you come all the way here, I know you didn’t want to come but I really wanted a time with you.  I hope you know that I love you very much and all I want is spend more time with you. Besides, it’s almost August, and you are going to collage it’s hard for me realized that you are a grown woman, for me you still are my little baby.

In that moment, Sara saw in her father’s eyes that he was getting old and someday in the future, her father will die like all humans do. She hugged her father and closed her eyes.


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