Leaves won't break

Sofía Lara

Elí Moreira


            Leaves won’t break


Somewhere in the green forest, there was a family of 4 rabbits. Mama bunny and daddy bunny had two little bunnies, Chad and Bug. Chad was really big and chubby, and also pretty strong, while Bug was little and fragile. Chad and Bug were really intelligent, for her mom and dad always told them that wits are always mightier than muscles. One day, the happy family was attacked by a greedy fox. Mama and daddy bunny grabbed Chad and Bug and ran away from the fox, when they were far enough from him, mama and daddy bunny let go both bunnies so they could keep running.


-Mom, Dad! my legs hurt!- Chad screamed.

-Mom, Dad! I can’t breathe!- Bug complained.

-Stop complaining!, we need to find shelter- the mom said.


Suddenly, the fox appeared in front of the family.

-Chad, Bug, you need to run and find shelter!- the dad said.

-We won’t leave you!- Bug said.

-Don’t worry, each and every one of you will rest in my stomach- the big ugly fox spoke to the family.

The fox rapidly scratched mama bunny with his claws while daddy bunny threw Chad and Bug to a bush.

-AAAAAAAH- Chad and Bug screamed when they were thrown, when they touched the ground they passed out. When the little bunnies woke up, they got out of the bush and saw nothing but trees. The two little bunnies looked for mom and dad, they asked the bees, the chipmunk, the deer, the groundhog, the tortoise, the toad, the owl and the ladybug. None of them saw them, the little bunnies gave up, they were sad and hungry. When suddenly, a weasel appeared.


-What’s wrong pals?- the weasel said.

-We can’t find our family.- Chad said.

-Really? Well, I remember seeing two rabbits walk down that road over there; I can lead you, if you want.- the weasel answered.


Chad and Bug both followed the weasel down the dark road through the forest; they walked for hours until they reached a dead end. The two rabbits looked at each other in confusion, and then they both looked at the weasel.


-Well, where are we? Is this where you saw our parents go?- asked Chad.

-Hah, I can’t believe you both fell for that one so easily!- said the weasel.


The weasel slowly approached the two rabbits, and an air of hostility became apparent.


-What do you mean?- asked Bug.

-That I’m going to eat you, I thought that was obvious enough.- answered the weasel.


The weasel jumped at the rabbits, but they both escaped in time. They ran as fast as they could, and after a while, they lost sight of the weasel. It was at that moment that they both realized the gravity of their situation: they had no one to turn to, no one to trust, they were alone. It was at that most dire of moments that Chad started smiling.


-Why are you so happy?- asked Bug, almost in tears.

-Well, what do you do when you reach a dead end? You turn around and keep looking for the right way, easy as that. Chin up, Bug; we’ll find them, I can feel it, we’re close.- said Chad with the biggest smile.

They never gave up. They kept looking for them, and after days of searching with nothing more than each other’s company, they found their parents.


A storm may come and flood the land, but leaves won’t break.




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