facade of me

I hide my pain behind molecular compounds I show my happiness through a cloud of fake smiles and bogus laughs, my emotions are hidden in words on paper and you think I’m actually happy ha you don’t know me

I don’t have anything more than good grades and more school certificates than I know what to do with I have no friends in reality the friends I have are phone friends and the occasional hi in the hall way… oh boy I feel terrific… I am a façade nothing more. I am the perfect student the perfect daughter and the perfect girlfriend. But behind all the fake smiles and bogus laughs I want to scream and make more pretty little scars upon my pretty little wrist. But I know the disappointment that would follow, and after three years of no scars the feelings return like a raging bull but worry not the feelings will soon pass and the thought of molecular compounds will take over and the façade will be what the world sees…  not this torn little girl confused and lost

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i realized that i am hidding more than i am showing

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