My Dad's Cologne

Ever since I was a little girl, my father would always wear this cologne. Whenever he would wear it, I knew it meant he had something fancy to attend. Whether it was a dinner, a party, or even a wedding. As he walked out of his room, I could begin to smell it all the way from my room. I remember always running from my room to wherever he would be in the house to ask him where he was going. He would always answer something like, “dinner with friends” or “a special event.” When I smelled this scent it somehow made me feel calmer and more protected in a way. If I had to describe the smell, I would describe it as musky yet fresh. I don’t think I have ever smelled anything else like it or anyone for that matter. It has become his signature scent. It is kind of a funny concept to think of someone having a “signature smell.” To think that we can possibly identify someone just by their smell is crazy. Usually we cannot identify our own natural smell, I guess since it has become such a part of us, that we have become used to it. But when it comes to other peoples “scent” our brains tend to connect the scent to the person, and that is why we think of certain people when we smell certain things. A persons signature scent is composed of many things, that together make one unique scent. Whether it’s the type of shampoo you use or any possible scent that could stick for a long amount of time or that you are regularly around. For example, the smell of cigarette smoke lingers on a person for a very long time, so for regular smokers, it is not uncommon that they are recognized by the smell of cigarettes. Just like people have their signature natural scent, some also like to have different scents for different occasions like my father. My fathers cologne has been forever etched in my brain as his “fancy” scent. It’s the little details like that that make you think of a person. I myself would like to one day find my own “signature scent” as well. 

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