When I Close My Eyes

i see a world of demons
i see the truth behind me
i see shadows eating
away at misery
i see a world beyond us
i see truth within lies
i see shadows chasing
following the light
when i close my eyes i see
i see color blind skies to me
i see no beauty in light
bleeding organs, puncture wounds from life

so bleed
let me bleed
and see what becomes of me
oh bleed
let them see
how much pain they've brought me
and that will please

i see love in the distance
i see hope within prayers
i see faith in my trust
and shadows don't fall
i see failure in me
i see the will to try
i see acceptation to failure
and i don't live for that
when i close my eyes i see
i see black and white ashes falling
i see snow under my feet
but no frost bite from the cold

so bleed
let me bleed
and see what becomes of me
oh bleed
let them see
how much pain they've brought me
and that will please

desperation to fight
but am i willing to try
or will i give up again this time
desperation to love
my heart is cold
frost covering my soul

i will bleed just to make them whiteness
what they've done to me, who they've made me
oh i will bleed
to give them what they wanted
but it will not please
oh no
it will not please

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