Another morning of Winter 2011

Sunny and lighting

But hidden with some warnings

For us all...

Let not Egypt become a sad example

Of political tragedy

Written mainly by one power-hungry man's

Undying flirtation with ambition.

Let us learn to live and let live

And be good to each other

So that future does not grieve....

(Written and posted by Muhammad Naveed Ahmed/Emmenay on Feb 11, 2011).

Author's Notes/Comments: 

What is happening in Egypt -- the political turmoil threatening the well being and destiny of an entire nation: often reminding me of Shakespeare's historical tragedy plays --- inspired these lines. May Allah/God Almighty have mercy and save Egypt's innocent people from the selfish and unbridled ambitions of the powers that have been exposed and even from the greater greed of powers that remain hidden and covered. Aameen/Amen.

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