
Damage to the mind due to the passage of time,

inhaling to slow the problems of life,

the tunnels infected with sinful thoughts,

the mind not finding a way to react,

losing its fluid,

energy draining to a cautious state of mind,

where illusions is a home reality is gone,

gremlins and critters pass through ones eye sight,

silent home,

no wind, respiration is minimum,

the motor that produces blood

discontinue its beating pulse,

dark shadows so tempting grasp my soul,

darkness with you I rest to sleep,

mattress primary as liquid,

with your touch clear solid form it has taken,

denying to let go,

my skin stretches as a rubber band,

as I desire to get up,

feeling pain yet sight of vacancy,

inhale to travel to my world,

in search to cover the patches of my soul and mind

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