Temptation Love's Sabotager

In life some times your "needs" ride backseat to your "wants",

and during the drive you collide with your aspirations and your faults,

And this collision can be deadly at least to your happiness,

because the love you already have will be treated with abandonment,

but your unaware as it vanishes distracted by the moment,

Its like a shooting star that suddenly turns to locust,

a plague you didn't expect,

mistakes you cannot correct,

so as you sit and cry all you can do is just reflect,

while your ducking your reflection your mind has recollections,

visions of the past and you just cannot grasp,

asking "how did i mess it up so fast", or "why can't i get it all back",

and the answer to that is simple,

you see "Love" is a window that only opens from the inside,

so your free to look out and gaze at the options,

even peek your head out and engage in gossip,

but once you climb out, the window shuts behind you, and there's no getting back in. - Devonte Mack

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