The Chosen One

There was too much silence for a normal day in the jungle, something didn’t feel right. The lion woke up ready to start the day when he found himself alone and watching everything in the earth’s surface floating up to the sky. He couldn’t believe that there was not a single animal still there, even the mountains and the water of the rivers were half-way up in the sky. He kept walking to see if he could find anything or anyone that could give him a hint of what was going on, but as the day went by and he didn’t found absolutely anything, he realized it was the end of all things. The days went by and he was barely eating anything, he thought his only option was to wait for the end to come to him, he had given up any hope and he even thought about ending  his own life.

He was ready to jump off a cliff to end with this desperation of not knowing what was happening and of being so alone, but just two seconds before, he stopped and realized something that drastically changed the earth’s fate. Everything was flying up to the sky, but him… This couldn’t be just a coincidence, this had to mean something important, he was sure that there was a reason why he was still standing on his feet, but he didn’t understand why him, why a small lion that was nothing more than a son and brother was meant to live when everything was going away in front of his eyes, why him and why not a big giant elephant to control the land, an eagle that could dominate the sky or a fast shark to keep the oceans safe . He wondered what that small lion could do to save this apparently saveless earth. He was nervous and afraid, but decided to at least try to think about a plan.

After thinking and thinking he knew he was lost, not even one idea he had was something possible and he was so frustrated. Suddenly, the small lion heard a mumble and having no more options he went after it to discover what it was. The sound was louder and louder as he walked, he was getting closer and he felt something good in his heart. A bright, sparkly light appeared in front of him, the voice was clearer now and he knew this mysterious beam of light was talking to him. It was Mother Nature and she gave the lion the shocking news he already suspected… The earth needed a new beginning because it was so messed up and he was chosen to lead this transformation. He was not alone, Mother Nature guided him through every step. This is how this new perfect earth was created, and how this little chosen friend became the Lion King.    

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Authors: Diego Martinez and Romina Marcos

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