

Father I can't understand why I torture myself this way

Father is it your words that are here?

Are you the one telling me this day

that I should just write what I feel

writing my deepest feelings on that piece of paper

Not knowing if I may even scare her?

Father I want to show her exactly what I've been writing

You did tell me I am supposed to help

But is this the right way? I am always questioning my motive

Lord am I doing this for the right reason?

Father I just feel like I am in a different spiritual season

Something I just can't explain

May be it's just love, pure innocence

I just need you Father, I need your rain

I need these questions answered

It's like I've entered another realm

A place I've never discovered till today

and the writing doesn't end

But are my motives right?

Or will she be freaked out

is this who I really am?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

It seems when I start to take a shine to someone I tend to write about them. Though for about a year or two I haven't written about anyone till now. I know God's been talking to me, but I am just scared that I may freak this girl out just because I am writing about her. So many questions in my mind, and I am questioning my motives.  I just don't want to torture myself by writing about someone. It's strange, I just feel  I shouldn't be but I don't know whats wrong with encouraging someone!  Oh well time will tell!

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