J.L.B. 2-13-12

Dream Diary

Dreamed of Jessica. She came to visit for some reason. I really don't know why. When we saw each other I hugged her tightly because something inside me had missed her so much that I just wanted to feel she was really there. We talked for a little but I can't remember everything we said. I remember her saying that things between us would never be the way they were before. She left saying she would see me again before she left. That she was tired from driving to New York to Michigan. She then left. She called me and talked to me for a little bit and also talked to the guy she liked on the phone. I heard them talking some how even though she didn't think I could. He, his name being something smith or something I can't remember now. Told her as apparently he always does that he just wanted to be friends with her. At the very most her brother. That he considers them that close and would never want to lose that. She said she didn't really understands but couldn't do anything about it. She later visited me again, telling me about this guy and how she felt about him. I told her I had known from hearing it. She was convinced I found out via other ways. I had hacked her facebook account when we last talked and broke up. That's how I found out she broke up with me to kiss another guy a few hours later and claim she was falling in love with him. I told her I didn't do anything like that. That it was a one time mistake I made invading her privacy but I needed to know the truth. She didn't believe me. I then went to say sorry to her, as I first went to I bit my tongue to stop myself. I tried again which resulted in my body automatically forcing myself to sit up and woke myself up. The dream ended there.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I think my body refused to say sorry for something I didn't do and felt no guilt about. This dream was very rough on me. I dated Jessica for many years and was best friends with her over 13 years. For people who didn't know and were curious who she was.

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