Finding the words

I find myself sitting upon
one of the many boulders
scattered across the valley floor
surrounded by the whispering pines
as the crisp mountain breeze
send's rippling waves through the grass
slowly taking in the many different hues
of blue in the cloudless sky
a contrast with the bright warm colors
of yellow's an red's of the aspen leaves
that are beginning to fall

I come to this place often to clear my head
finding it together and calling it ours
loving it for it's not on any map
I'm trying hard to find the word's for the feelings
I have
but they do not come easy
I cannot tell you why I love her anymore
than I can describe the color of the wind

I fear no man
but it run's rampant when I want
to tell her what she means to me
stumbling over the words like I
was walking across the rock slide
far below
she looks at me waiting for whatever it is
I'm trying to say
once again it comes out
Oh never mind....
what was it You started to say ?

~ D Donner ~

Author's Notes/Comments: 

another one from the shoe box,From Long Ago !

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