Free Wings


In the middle of the day when the sun is shining through the window panes,
I wonder how the world can shine so bright when the people have become so angry and entranced by pain.
While their lost or, look mad at the world it's truelly their own faults to blame, because the world just came.
Came in and gave us something to look forward too, something to bring peace and happiness into our world;
As we all just sit back and let our world become nothing to destroy all that is, and all that could be. They have no care in the world they just let it all slip away, for Earth's pain they do not see.
Yet if you see that the sun still shines for us and the clouds still rain; nature still grows and has given us a chance to see through all the darkness that has began to cloud our vision and devour us in hate,
we must take a chance and, step up now, because the world cannot wait. We must help it to help us, or it will become to late. As the sun shines now and the clouds drain with rain,
each day life spills through the window panes.
Letting us know that we need to care for what we have, because one day it will not be,
If people keep letting their vision become blind, their will be no nature; that gives us no thought or, no world to see.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

People need to open their eyes and look at the peace and happiness that come in small packages, before sticking their nose to the skies, because if people don't stop and take the time to look around them and appreciate what they have, then one day it will become to late and, there will be nothing left at all. So clear your eyes and look with your heart and soul.

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