So Sick

Help me,

cut me to pieces,

tears me to shreds.

I'm ashamed to be here now,

and inside I'm already dead.

My stomach is sick,

something's about to purge.

Too scared to cut myself,

yet I'm one foot away from the erge!

Looking ahead,

wondering if anything can be fixed...

Time won't rewind,

and I'm not getting younger.

My body won't awake,

and my pipe is kicked!

I sit here melting away,

the little girl,

who lost her innocence.

I thought maybe,

I could get it straight,

and give it another chance.

But I'm pushed in the ground,

with just 1 word,

1 look,

or 1 action!

I'm too afraid to say goodnight,

wondering if I'll ever want to wake up,

or will I get a chance to see the sun?!?

Please, don't let me sink through!!

I need the truth!!!

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