
Can't you see I need help.

I'm all alone,

trying to find myself.

I need someone to be there for me,

because the enemy won't let me be!

The pain you've caused me still hurts inside...

makes me want to runaway and hide.

I'm so tired of all the lies that you told!

All that I wanted,

was someone to hold!

I'll know better next time,

not to trust anyone to fast.

Too many people rush into things,

instead of making each moment last.

Time will pass,

and soon you will see...

You'll never find anyone in the world like me!

I gave you the time of your life...

In the end,

all that you gave me in return,

was more pain and strife!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was dedicated to my ex-Mark! I wrote this sometime last year!

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