The life of an innocent man

My name is not important

It would only make you cry

Tonight, I'll make the most of it

for tomorrow I bound to die

For the killing of a lawman

to which my innocence I claimed

They never found the killer's wrists

So instead they locked my in chains

The Warden came by with a letter

my girl had wrote to me

She said she couldn't bare to see me die

so she's leaving Tennessee

With a man I used to know

A man I used to call my friend

But my eyes didn't flood with tears

but prayed for a peaceful end

A year ago, before the judge

I stood with no alibie

So without mercy of God's Grace

He sentenced me to die

If only I had spoken

and told the Judge what was done

It wasn't me, but my brother you see

who shot him down with a sawed-off gun

So tonight as I lie in bed

the rain now, starts to fall

as my last claim to innocence

I leave this letter on the wall

"Dear Warden, Dear Mama, Dear Judge

I plead to you

Your taking the life of an innocent man

for to my brother, I remain true"

Author's Notes/Comments: 

The faithfulness and loyalty to family and blood exceeds life. So is the life of an innocent man who refused to give the name of the one who actually killed the man, who was his brother, so he, instead, has been sentenced to die.

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