He Died Dancing

Won't you dance with me tonight
Roll down your sleeves coz its cold outside
I know you don't love me, thats no surprise
But please will you dance with me tonight

We didn't have chemistry, didn't have that spark
But give me a minute for a waltz in the dark
I won't ask you for a kiss or beg you for a hug
Coz i know for you this was never love
Let me once more dance those magic steps
Give me a memory ill never forget
Though my heads given up hope, my heart hasn't yet
You're all i need the only woman i have to get

Your happiness means more than my own
So before you leave and step into your home
More than another kiss or giving me another chance
I would simply like to have one last dance

A waltz preferably something slow
Another memory before you go
I'll memorise the soft skin and cherry red lips
The dainty feet and those snaking, swaying hips

So when im old and if i die alone
I'll step those steps in my empty home
Maybe you'll be at my funeral to pray, sing and cry
Maybe you'll remember and ask "how did he die?"
Maybe He'll talk about how sudden and how peaceful for a while
And he'll say "he died dancing, and he died with a smile."

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I would appreciate feedback

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